Saturday, November 8, 2008

Some thoughts on Mark 5:25-34

“[the woman] had suffered much under many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better, but rather grew worse” –Mark 5:26 esv

This year our cell groups in Cru are going through the book of Mark and last week we were in Mark 5 (it has been slow and interrupted progress) and as we were talk verse 26 stood out so much.

This is in the introduction to the account of a woman who had “a discharge of blood for twelve years” – in other words she spent 12 years being ritually impure and suffering all of the unpleasant jank of having ones menstrual cycle in a world before sanitary napkins. This is an account that has always evoked a pretty vivid response from me, perhaps because this woman is one of the healings that I can most relate to. Lets be honest I wouldn’t begin to know what it is like to be paralyzed, or blind, or leprous, or possessed by a demon that caused me to throw myself into fire … I have an overactive imagination so I can definitely conjure up what any of those conditions would be like but this is a woman whose condition I have brushed up against in the tiniest way (although I think a good case could be made that I don’t have any more ability to practically empathize with her – it at least feels that I do and for better or worse feelings are a big part of my perceptions)

Verse 26 had never really struck a deep cord before, I had always just considered it to be a way of clarifying that this was no small ailment that any healer could address. While that may be true, I also think this woman is a picture of how we try to deal with jank in our lives. We try to fix it ourselves – or at least I know I do.

I wonder how much extra hurt and hardship we bring upon ourselves because we go to people to fix our problems instead of just taking them to the one who can and desires to heal us and make us whole. Unlike this woman we don’t have to wait for Jesus to walk through our town.

Jesus has completed his walking ministry and now he makes himself touchable to all. It isn’t that God will zap away all of our physical ailments – that just isn’t biblical (turn back to Mark 4:35-37 and observe that it was by obedience to Jesus that the disciples found themselves in the middle of a “great windstorm”) but I think that God desperately desires to heal our hearts, to make us whole, to make us clean and holy.

The other thing I think this interchange teaches us is that, I don’t think God is content to let us be healed in the shadows. Jesus made a point to stop and have the woman come forward, which must have been so hard for her.

First of all she was a woman, whose very condition rendered her “unclean”, if she had a husband he would not have been legally able to touch her in any way for the past 12 years. Yet in spite of being a woman, and being unclean, she reaches out to touch a famous, male teacher without any sort of consent.

Second she had to publicly admit something that would have been so shameful – even now in a much more open society it is awkward and even scandalous to talk about menstruation in mixed company (which might be why a surprisingly high number of people I talked to never realized what sort of bleeding had gone on unabated the 12 years). Add to that the label of unclean and a society that blamed any hardship in your life as punishment from God against your sin and honestly I would have had a lot of trouble saying.

Yet Christ would not have called her out to shame or terrify her, in fact he sends her away with a commendation – so maybe this is an indication of how we should respond to the ways we have experienced the healing only God can give.

It is so awesome how God can reveal new lessons no matter how many times I have seen the same material – I keep realizing that what I understood before were like trees walking while people were actually in front of me …

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