Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Outlet.

Since I firmly believe that as we are going through our 'normal' lives we should be doing ministry just as much as when we are at something specially focused on missions. Therefore it is my intention to continue keeping up with this blog on a semi-weekly basis to share what sort of things I feel like God is leading me to and how those who may be interested can be praying. However thus far I have been doing a rather shoddy job.

As you know I am back in Rock Hill and I have been trying to settle into the house I am renting with 4 other women (who are also all students). That has been a bit of a saga in itself because of some construction that is underway but it is overall exciting.

We have been blessed with a house so close to campus that you can see it from our student center and it is my hope that our house will become a blessing to our community. I am praying our year in the outlet (the name we have given our house) will be one of transformational community and that we will be an active part of what God does with WU - specifically what he does through Cru.

Two of my roommates are moving up today (and one jack russel terrier) and hopefully we will be getting off to a lovely start.

Ways you can pray:

Pray that we be united in love and seeking God's will, that we treat each other with a balance of love and truth

Pray that we practice hospitality even when it is inconvenient

Pray for the weekly 'family dinners' and devotionals we want to do, and that they further the above purposes.

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